Grace Baptist Church desires to come alongside men to challenge and encourage them to be faithful in their God-given role and calling. We believe that God has created and called men to be leaders in their homes and in the church. Yet, far too often, and for various reasons, men have failed to be faithful in these callings.
The Men's Ministry at Grace Baptist church has been established so that men might encourage one another to "act like men" (1 Cor. 16:13); that is to boldly and joyfully:
- Love our wives.
- Raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
- Work diligently and unto the Lord in order to provide for our families.
- Lead and serve the church in various capacities.
- Evangelize the lost.
- Disciple new believers.
- Lead lives of integrity and sexual purity.
- Honor and care for the elderly.
- and much, much more!