Since its founding, Grace Baptist Church has always been a "Fundamental" church that bases its beliefs and practices on Scripture. However, as we have grown together and studied God's Word, we believe it is necessary to state more clearly who we are, or better, are becoming.
We are becoming a church that is re-capturing our Reformation heritage. That is to say that we are catching the vision that our theological forebears rediscovered in the Scriptures during the Protestant Reformation. Specifically, we are holding to a high view of the Absolute Sovereignty of God.
We believe that God is Sovereign over every aspect of His Universe: over life and death, good and evil, as well as the past, present, and future. Furthermore, we believe in the Sovereignty of God in Salvation - that from before the foundation of the world He chose a people for his praise and in the fullness of time sent His Son to die for these elect. And then, in time and into these lives of these elect, He sends the Holy Spirit to do a miraculous work of regeneration - to replace our natural stony hearts with hearts of flesh that are ready, willing, and able to repent and believe the gospel. Salvation, then, is all of God, so that He gets all of the glory.
We understand that in our day these truths, sadly, are contentious. However, we trust as you listen to The Doctrines of God's Sovereign Grace (preached in the Grace Baptist Church pulpit in the spring of 2012 and, in 2015 the "So What?" series) that you would do so diligently and as a Berean, searching the Scriptures to see whether this is, in fact, the revealed truth.