In the winter of 2010, Dave Theobald was called to be our preaching and teaching elder.
A native of Canada, Dave earned the B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Western Ontario, and both the M.Div and Th.M. degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.
For his masters thesis, Dave wrote Humor and Truth: Towards A Christian Theology of Laughter, an honest look at the redemptive role of ridicule in the Christian life. He is also the author of A Great People's Church: A History of Immanuel Baptist Church, Louisville, KY.
Prior to entering the ministry, Dave was an apprentice plumber in his hometown of Binbrook, Ontario. While at Southern Seminary, he had the privilege of serving as Research Assistant to the President. More recently, he held the positions of Engineering Technician and Sales Coordinator in the Onsite Wastewater division (now Clarus Environmental) of Zoeller Pump Company in Louisville, KY.
Dave is committed to expository preaching and the Doctrines of God's Sovereign Grace. His passion is to see sinners drawn to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and saints growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. In addition, it is his great privilege to regularly preach and teach theology in South America in conjunction with the Seminario Reformado Latino-Americano.
In his spare time, Dave enjoys spending time with his dear wife Jamie and their two sons, Job and Jonathan. He is an avid reader and amateur bookbinder. In addition, Dave enjoys playing hockey and soccer as well as hunting, fishing, and camping in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of western New York.