We offer age-graded Sunday School classes for all children. It is our prayer that our children will be "a planting of the Lord" and through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ become "Oaks of Righteousness" (Isaiah 61:3).
To this end, qualified and gifted teachers present the gospel to children (typically using Truth78 curricula). Classes begin at 9:15 am, run 1 hour, and are as follows:
Nursery - For infants and toddlers, birth to 2 years old. Various teachers.
Acorns - For kids ages 3 to 7. Taught by Kelly Russell and Jenna Leaman.
Seedlings - For kids in Grades 3 thru 6. Taught by Jamie Theobald and Kim Wilson.
Saplings - For youth in Grades 7 thru 12. Taught by Dick Russell